Behind the scenes

There are so many people behind the scenes who take on aspects of HANDS. Our board is made up of Kirk Rankin, Beth Sachs, Mara Welton, and until recently, Holly Cluse,—they all work tirelessly on programs and guidelines for what we strive to accomplish. Jess Hyman helps out tremendously, especially this time of year, as she manages volunteer events to get greeting cards written, envelopes addressed, resource lists folded, and grocery cards attached to mail out to 1,600 older adults who struggle with food insecurity.

Hundreds of volunteers pitch in at every step of the way. Funding sources such as Age Well, the City of Burlington, and Mascoma Bank among so many others help finance our endeavors. Partnerships with Age Well; artists Bonnie Acker, Katharine Montstream, and Beth Sachs; Chef Robin Burnett; CORE; Feeding Chittenden; Heineberg Senior Center; Charlie Nardozzi; Erick Nsabimana; North End Food Pantry; Vermont Foodbank; and Vermont Garden Network are vital to our sustainability as are other people and organizations. Tim Palmer originally applied for our 501c3 status with the federal government, a daunting task of endless pages of paperwork that would have left me weeping with frustration. Ki McClennan assists with bookkeeping—-thank goodness for her skills! Professionals like Emily Adams and Matt Tucker save me from myself in the technology arena. Nate, from Small Dog Electronics, guides me through computer glitches. Tom Rugg has allowed us to store supplies for decades. And Terry, my husband (as of 3months ago) has listened and been lending a hand for 25 years of HANDS programs and projects.

Over those same 25 years, too many people and businesses to name have pitched in to help with programs, fundraising, cheerleading, donations of food and/or goods, and every crazy thing imaginable in-between. I’m sure I’ve forgotten someone of utmost importance and for that, I apologize profusely. As another year is coming to a close, I want to thank each and every one of you for helping to make HANDS what it is, for helping older adults to have better access to healthy food. With eternal gratitude, Megan


Happy New Year!

