Season’s Eatings

HANDS was fortunate to organize and deliver meals and giftbags to thousands of older adults over a 20-year period.

Responding to changes in partner involvement in 2022, we shifted our holiday efforts to delivering thoughtful mail to older adults during the holiday season.

This mailing included a cheerful note, food access resource list, and a $20 grocery gift card. Staff and our incredible volunteers make friendly connections and help our neighbors increase their food security.

In 2024 we are hoping to expand our reach to 1,600 seniors, including area food shelves. Board member Mara Welton said, “We are looking forward to expanding even further the number of grocery cards we’ll distribute to seniors connected to food shelves, as well as elders in our BIPOC and immigrant communities.”

We greatly depend on our community to help with our efforts. If you would like to volunteer to write notes and/or address envelopes, please sign up by clicking the button below to volunteer - call seniors, address envelopes, personalize cards!

***Although we are no longer providing a dinner delivery on Christmas, please be assured that anyone who gets Meals on Wheels through Age Well will receive an additional meal prior to the actual holiday.***

Happy Holidays and may we all have a safe and happy New Year with enough food on our table!

HANDS is a 501c3 organization and your donation is tax-deductible. Thank you very much for lending a hand to an older adult during the holiday season!

If you’re able to donate financially, please choose a button below or send a check made out to HANDS and mail it to

PO Box 3041, Burlington, VT 05408

We also welcome donations of postage stamps and $20 grocery gift cards sent to the same address.