COVID-19 Update

Our "Support Buddies" partnership with Heineberg Community Senior Center is fully underway now. We've shifted the model a bit, to keep volunteers even safer and to streamline the process as we grow.Buddies continue to check-in by phone, help with grocery lists, and assist with special needs. We are now only delivering groceries and meals on Thursdays in order to make the whole system more efficient. Once a week, volunteers shop for fresh food and dairy products. We're purchasing bulk orders of groceries in order to reduce costs and keep volunteers out of grocery stores as much as possible.We've checked in with about 600 seniors, have at least 100 grocery and meal orders every week, and 25 Buddies are helping out with everything from picking up bulk meals to phonecalls to delivering groceries.Special thanks to everyone who's been pitching in and to our donors who are keeping our program going and growing!


Anti-Racism Statement


Update on Coronavirus