Changing Seasons
The summertime was wonderful. We were able to have "HANDS in the Dirt" gardening programs at a number of different sites...everything from donated plants from Red Wagon Plants to full-on weekly programs. The harvest is continuing at some of the sites and that is so delightful. We also provided a "HANDS in the Kitchen" nutrition education 8-week workshop series. And our partnership with Feeding Chittenden's "Good Food Truck" to get a hot meal delivered weekly to low-income seniors in Winooski continues.Many of us feel some level of melancholy as the seasons shift from summertime to autumn. We say goodbye to swimming and boating and hiking. We feel the air getting cooler, see the leaves changing colors.So, that means it's time to start the planning for our annual Holiday Dinner on Christmas Day. Folks 50 years and older will be able to either have a hot meal and giftbag delivered to their home or gather together to share a meal. The whole community comes together to bring some joy to folks who might otherwise be alone. You, too, can lend a hand! We'll need everything from giftcards to hand-knitted hats and scarves to canned goods to financial donations. Please check to see how you can help. Thanks so much and enjoy the colorful leaves and the crispy mornings!